- Legal awareness by Vizhuthugal and District Legal Service
Authority to Community & Migrant Workers
Vizhuthugal Organization have coordinated with District Legal Services Authority
(DLSA) and given legal awareness to 54 migrant workers and 30 Self Help Group
Members in Erode District . Mrs. S Lakshmi, ML, District Secretary/Sub-Judge, District
Legal Services Authority, Erode, Mr. A Srinivasan, B.A, Joint-Director/Project Director,
Tamil Nadu Women Development Corporation, Erode, Mrs. S Kalaivanai, PLV, DLSA,
Erode, Mrs. T Sellam, Assistant Project Officer, Mahalir Thittam, Erode, Mrs. K Chandra
Program Manager, Vizhuthugal, Avinashi and Mr. V. Govindaraj, Project Coordinator,
Vizhuthugal presented in the awareness program and explained about the laws
available and the precautionary measures to be taken when people are trafficked.