VIZHUTHUGAL put forth effort in forming 1180 women self help groups with 14400 members in the municipality and in the panchayats of Tirupur, Erode and Coimbatore districts. Hitherto, the loan recipients benefited were 5160 families,The main activities for empowering women through SHGs are.
- Federating women self help groups for lobbying and advocacy
- Catering training and support for the functioning SHGs
- Imparting skill training programmes for meeting their vocational requisites
- Educating the groups for the promotion of insurance coverage, eventually enabling them to accept their value of life
- Substantiating their economic standard through implementation of Income Generation Programmes
- Developing self employment skills through Entrepreneur Development Programmes (EDP)
- Enabling sensibility among SHGs members to exercise their social Responsibilities on organizing campaigns against child labour, violence on women and environment pollution.